Boosts fertility
The combination of colon cleansing, a healthy diet, and increased fiber
intake promotes regularity and helps you to put your weight in check. Fat is connected with estrogen level. Hence, excess fat brings about fertility
issues. The uterus and other surrounding female
reproductive organs can also be discomforted by an overweight colon, and
this may result in unnecessary strain.
During colon cleansing, all the toxins and chemicals that are capable of
affecting the sperm and egg are expelled. It is
often recommended by naturopaths that couples should do colon cleansing
prior to conception.
Maintains pH balance in the bloodstream
The colon gets blocked with acid-forming foods, especially diets that
are high in protein but have insufficient fiber. These foods bring about general disorder in the body. The colon
tissue then turns out to be diseased and inflamed.
Its ability to permit the absorption of only water, vitamins and
nutrients into the bloodstream is also
compromised. The introduction of molds, yeasts, fungus, parasites, bacteria,
or fecal material into the bloodstream
and connected tissue will result in an imbalance in the pH of the body.
Promotes general well-being
of the body
toxins and wastes are removed from the
body in the form of layers of accumulation on the colon, it brings about a
feeling of lightness, renewed energy, and
improved general well-being.